Once again, here is my meditation objective for this meditation cycle: I want to see my transformation into a Divine Being as I learn to pause and consciously observe my decision processes before I act.
In his book Tree of Life Meditation System
"The integrity of the Life-force, the animal spirit, is chiefly governed by the breath, which is its chief nutriment, and by the law of cycles."This is the territory of Geb. As you can see, skilled breathing and living according to the cycles of nature nourish the life force energy. I have been trying, with very small success, to apply these techniques to my life. This may be one of the chief reasons why the transformation I seek seems to be so elusive; however, I am quite hopeful that my practice of the techniques found in the Metu Neter vol. 4
Here is the Law of Geb, personalized form the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
Geb: I know that from heaven I came and to heaven I will return. I seek not enduring works on earth.
How do I break the Law of Geb by not pausing and observing?
I have been unsuccessful in consistently using skilled breathing, diet, exercise, and following the natural cycles to develop and maintain my life force.
That is all for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
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