Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Know Thyself -- Pollyanna and The Glad Game

There came a point in my life when I became tired of feeling angry all of the time. I realized that I did not know what joy was. That was one heck of an insight because I was 38 years old. So, I asked the Universe to help me to experience joy.

I came across a definition of happiness in the Metu Neterthat expressed exactly what I was looking for. It states, "To embrace the joy of inner peace and tranquility -- unassailable by externals, is happiness." The part that got me was "unassailable". Was it possible to find a happiness that could not be attacked? I opened myself up to this possibility.

What came to me was the idea to watch the movie Pollyanna -- just for fun. I watched both the 1960 Hayley Mills version and the 2004 BBC version. The later BBC version sparked me to read the original 1913 version of the book. There was something in the Glad Game that I couldn't put my finger on. I kept re-watching the movie and rereading the book. Normally, after a reference to "heathens", I never would have touched the book again or watched the movie again, but the appeal of the Glad Game was much stronger than my repulsion.

It took me months to work out what I was observing. Here's a breakdown of it. In the Metu Neter vol. 2, I learned that the sun is not merely a burning ball of fire. It generates its own heat perpetually because of the density of its core. We have such a core within our own body. It is an energy that the Ancient Egyptians called Ra, the Hindu call Kundalini, and the Chinese call Chi. It has other names, depending on the culture, but the energy is the same. It is a life force energy that animates our body.

Just as the sun attracts the planets and holds them in its orbit, our life force energy attracts objects to us and creates the world around us. It is what allows the Law of Attraction to work. This is a real force. It is what martial artists use to break boards and cement blocks without hurting themselves. In fact, the National Geographic has a really good episode called Superhuman Powers that demonstrates many uses of this force. Ancient cultures developed these kinds of powers. Generally speaking, the further back you go into their individual histories as interpreted by their own historians, uninfluenced by Westerners, the more you will find that these human "technologies" were used for peaceful means, not so much military conflict. Had this knowledge been used primarily to promote the military as the West surely would have done, the world would have been obliterated thousands of years ago.

Few Westerners are aware that this power lives in them. This is why people joke about having a Pollyanna attitude, positing that this attitude is naive and overlooks reality. Nonetheless, we are all born with a life force. Is it possible that Eleanor H. Porter considered this when she created the character Pollyanna? Well, she could have been a student of Leo Tolstoy who studied transcendental meditation and freed all of his serfs. The name of his home, coincidentally, was Yasnaya Polyana. There may be a connection. In any case, the Glad Game, when played, enhances your life force.

Here's how the Glad Game works: You Literally stop and find something to be glad about in every situation, especially when you think things have gone wrong. Gratitude has a much higher vibration than misery. Through gratitude, you attract into your life the things that you want to have. Through misery, a lower vibration, you usually attract into your life more of the things that you don't want. Your focus and your feelings determine what keeps showing up in your life.

The character Pollyanna is sunshine. She attracts and holds people in her orbit like a lit candle flame attracting moths. Also, by teaching the game to others, like that same lit candle, she gave light to others without diminishing her own. In fact, when her light went out after an experience too overwhelming for her tender 11 years, others came to relight it for her.

There is a lot more to my experience with the story of Pollyanna, but I'll have to tell it later. Suffice it to say that my course was set. No more will I settle for thoughts, feelings, or actions that promote my anger. I try to banish, angry thoughts and feelings and apologize with remorse for angry actions. It is work because I have to make conscious efforts to change, and, thanks to the Metu Neter, I am reprogramming my subconscious through meditation to make the changes permanent parts of my personality. All of this has been worthwhile and made life seem much less of a burden.

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