Last night was my second night of the programming phase of the Tree of Life Meditation System. One thing I've learned about programming my spirit is that the affects sneak up on you. One day, you just find that what you want to do is distasteful. You clearly see that what you thought you had to do or die really wasn't all that important. It will be the simplest thing in the world not to do it.
This is something that I have had first hand experience with. What I have not had much experience with is taking action. I stated this in my posts at the beginning of this meditation cycle. I'm excited about seeing the opposite affects of the programming. Will it be for me the simplest thing in the world to do the things I've always wanted to do, but have been too anxious to attempt? Wow! This is some life-changing stuff.
The Sebek meditation, last night, involved programming affirmations (p. 222-227 Ra Un Nefer Amen's Tree of Life Meditation System) into my spirit and today, avoiding thinking and reading anything that was not urgent. For the most part, I did very well. My time mostly was occupied by family members who needed me. I slipped up by watching a TV program before I remembered that I wasn't supposed to watch it. However, I remembered most of the day to refer to the affirmations. I had already memorized several of the affirmations, but I found that I need to add one to my repertoire:
Tehuti: I am successful in handling the emotional and sensual challenges in my life because I realize that nothing has an emotional or sensual quality in itself. My emotional and sensual reactions are betrayals of my lack of spiritual cultivation in relation to these objects.
I avoided this affirmation initially because I didn't understand some of it and because I didn't want to admit failure in my spiritual cultivation. Now, I find it very freeing to admit completely that I am a work in progress when it comes to my spiritual cultivation.
The part of the affirmation that I did not understand was "that nothing has an emotional or sensual quality in itself." Now I know that it is our images, thoughts, beliefs, ideas, etc. that give meaning to things causing us to determine them as emotional or sensual and thus act on that interpretation.It's kind of like that testing question, "Is the glass half full or half empty?" We decide for ourselves because both answers are right. It's just that one answer fills you with excitement and anticipation while the other can lead to resentment over what has been lost.
The affirmation implies more, however. It makes the question of half full / half empty irrelevant. You don't have to interpret the meaning of the glass at all. What's more important is whether or not what is inside of the glass going to fit the form and function of your objective. If it doesn't, then leave it. If it does fit, then use it in good health. When you know your purpose, life, and, therefore, choices, becomes much more simple.
My purpose or objective is to pursue actions or invoke the Law of Attraction to gain the money I want and then to program my spirit to desire to take those actions in accordance with the Laws of Maat.
Well, that's it for now. Until next time,
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