Friday, October 15, 2010

Tree of Life Meditation System -- Day 9 -- Sebek

Hetep Everyone,

In addition to regulating images, Heru also regulates thoughts.Thoughts fall under the territory of Sebek. What we think on a daily basis helps to create the world around us. This can be positive or negative.

All right, let's get down to business. It's very late. I have been unsure of what I wanted to say so I put off posting to this blog. This means that I am faced with the same Heru problem that I have mentioned before -- I refuse to allow myself to perform the Men Ab meditation that can make me more efficient and able to meet my objectives. My thoughts always, in these situations, convince me that procrastinating is okay, at least while I'm procrastinating. This is the power of Sebek -- a trickster energy. Sebek governs my rationalizing and justifying which have nothing to do with ensuring that my thoughts, feelings, and actions are unified to meet the form and function of my objectives.

The other side of Sebek is that this energy can be used to program our thoughts to support the thoughts, feelings, and actions that do meet the form and function of my objectives.

The energy of Sebek is neutral. We can determine for ourselves how we want to use it. The problem is that this society is designed to perpetuate the rationalizing and justifying that blocks spiritual development.

Often, during times of procrastination, I forget why I want to pursue developing my spirituality. I get distracted. Fortunately, the meditation cycle can accommodate this through programming.

Okay, let me wrap this up by giving you the Law of Sebek (Personalized from the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen from his book Maat: The 11 Laws of God).

Sebek: It is not what I think nor what I affirm. It is who is thinking and affirming. Are you a human or a Divine being?

Insight: It is becoming clearer that my expectations (thoughts) help to determine my outcomes. For most of my life, my expectations have been mostly negative, leaving me with negative results. I'm very glad that I have the opportunity to change this.

Until next time,

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