Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tree of Life Meditation System -- Day 1 -- Amen

Hetep Everyone,

Amen is a peace that nothing can disturb. We all have access to this level of peace on a consistence basis, but maintaining our awareness of this level of peace takes training, skill, and practice. This means that although I strive to achieve consistent awareness, I am not disturbed by my deficiencies because I persistently pursue my peace.

For this meditation cycle, I want to experience my worth as a Divine Being. Why? Only through experience can we "know". Everything else is theory. Once I have acquired this knowledge, I can apply it to every area of my life.

All of my life I have felt "unworthy". I don't know why. Pep talks, triumphs, positive thinking, etc. -- none of these things have penetrated this unworthy feeling. I'm beginning to think that this feeling is ancestral. Maybe some ancestor, during slavery, never healed herself in the spirit world and needs me to do it for her. Whatever the source, the time for healing this feeling has arrived.

Why do I want to experience my Self as a Divine Being? First, let me quote from Ra Un Nefer's book Tree of Life Meditation System, page 84, so that you will know somewhat the concept of Divine Being.

"The divine part of being is the faculty that coordinates and unifies our physiological and unconscious mental functions (Ausar, sphere 1). When one establishes the original and essential state of one's energy/matter -- 0 -- as the dominant 'emotion' [peace] in one's life, the divine part of being, Ausar, will extend its functions to the foreground of one's life."

What this means is that I want the outside of my life to run as smoothly as the functions of my body that I personally do not coordinate like, digestion, making sure that the oxygen I breathe in goes to my red blood cells and that the carbon dioxide flowing from my veins to my lungs gets exhaled from my body. The precision of these types of functions is beyond my conscious ability to mastermind. God takes care of these things. I want this same type of precision running my daily affairs. I want the experience of this, and, therefore, the true knowledge of it so that I can fulfill my life's purpose without obstacles.

Feeling unworthy is a huge obstacle. I want to release it back to the Universe -- Amen -- send it too its final resting place.

Now, my job during this part of the meditation cycle is to see how hanging on to feelings of being unworthy cause me to break the Law of Amen. First, let me give you the law. I've personalized it from the wording of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his Maat the 11 laws of God. I do this because I like the way it makes the law apply directly to me.

Amen -- I am made in the likeness of a peace that nothing can disturb. I reclaim my peace so that I may attain to the reason I have come into existence -- the enjoyment of life.

Here are some ways that I break this law:

  • I forget that everything is void of value. The only value in anything is the value that I choose to give it or that which I agree is valuable because I was conditioned to accept it as valuable. This means that I can release the part of me that I describe as unworthy by releasing its meaning, thus, dispelling its power over me. I say this on a conscious level, but I want to know this subconsciously through experience.
  • I forget the hidden nature of God. God is in everything...everything. If I could remember to look for God in everything, then I could strengthen my feelings of connection with God, with the All. You can't get more worthy than that, but like I said, it's one thing to say this or write about it. It's another thing to live it with an understanding that is so thorough that calling upon the knowledge and receiving a response is as natural as having my fingers respond to my intentions of typing this message for you. This is my goal, to be so connected with the All that my intentions automatically manifest themselves because they are in alignment with the All.

Well, this is it for now. Thanks for joining me on this next meditation cycle through another journey. Until next time,

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