The complement of Geb is Amen. Geb is form; Amen is formlessness. They cannot be separated. What is great about this, that I am finally starting to understand, is that everything can be changed. What appears to have form (shape, time and space) only really appears to have form because we perceive it to have form. By changing our perception, we can change form, and, therefore, what we perceive to be real.
In the midst of an emotional attack, I have the power to remember that the situation causing the emotion can be changed. I just have to focus on the outcome that I want to perceive and use the techniques that the meditation system teaches to program my vision into my spirit. If it is in equilibrium with the Divine, the outcome will eventually manifest itself. Creating a pattern of success by working with this system consistently offers the assurance of a peace (Amen) that nothing can challenge.
What does this have to do with my meditation objective? Once again, here is my objective: I want to experience my purpose in God's Divine plan based upon truthful premises, determined by relationships of how my functions (thoughts, feelings, and actions) fit the form I'm trying to create (my purpose).
My efforts throughout this meditation cycle are to create the form (Geb) of my purpose by perceiving the truthfulness within my functions, making changes where needed. It is easier for me to make the necessary changes when I know that everything is formless, and, therefore, can be changed.
Here is the Law of Geb, personalized from the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
Geb: I know that from heaven I came and to heaven I must return. I seek not enduring works on earth.
How do I break the Law of Geb?
Often, I forget that form is also formless, and, therefore, can be changed. This prevents me from behaving as a Divine Being and fulfilling my Divine purpose.
Well, that's it for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
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