Once again, here, is my meditation objective for this meditation cycle: I want to see my transformation into a Divine Being as I learn to pause and consciously observe my decision processes before I act.
Most of my decisions are based upon the forms that my ego, limited by what my five senses can perceive, determines to be possible. Seker energy is based upon the infinite perceptions of what Tehuti determines is possible. This means that my egoic thoughts are the very small tip of a very large iceberg, and I'm being very generous. Most of what I need to make effective decisions is hidden from me, especially since I'm not very skilled at interpreting oracle readings.
Here is the Law of Seker, personalized form the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
Seker: When the emotions of Man manifest in response to the word of God they have the power to influence the course of any and all events in the world.
How do I break the Law of Seker by not pausing and observing?
I make judgments about my ability to achieve based upon my identification with form.
That is all for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
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