Once again, here, is my meditation objective for this meditation cycle: I want to see my transformation into a Divine Being as I learn to pause and consciously observe my decision processes before I act.
Many of my posts contain writings about my desire to transform into a Divine Being. Of course, what I mean by that is that I want to resurrect the dormant Ausar energies that are all ready inside of me. The question in the back of my mind has always been what will this new perception I seek look like?
I've been using as my model the perception of reality that already exists; however, I know that the perception I want is one that I cannot see, the one that is more wonderful than I can imagine in my current limited state of existence. My meditation has brought me a way to access a new vision. Something really obvious.
I have memorized the 11 Laws of Maat and can recite them. Also, I have memorized an affirmation to accompany the laws. The problem is that I don't speak the language of the laws. Each law represents a field of energy and descriptive aspects that can be applied to personalities and situations. Some of these traits or shaping factors can be found in the Metu Neter
If I add these aspects to my repertoire for the laws, then I should have enough verbiage to begin to speak the language of the laws and form coinciding images. The point of this is to use the energies of Sebek (language) and Het-Heru (images) to help reprogram my perception.
This may sound extreme, but continuing to reinforce the images and thoughts that have proved so limiting to me seems to me to be extreme. It's worth a shot.
Here is the Law of Maat, personalized form the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
Maat: God needs me in order to come into the world. Fulfilling God's need is the highest act of love and only through my love for God can I fulfill my love for others. I become the love of God in the world for the protection of the world.
How do I break the Law of Maat by not pausing and observing?
I reinforce the same language and images that I am familiar with, perpetuating the same reality. This limits how I observe my thoughts, feelings and actions and it limits the new reality I can create.
That is all for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
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