Where do I begin? Let me restate my meditation cycle objective:
I want to experience my purpose in God's Divine plan based upon truthful premises, determined by relationships of how my functions (thoughts, feelings, and actions) fit the form I'm trying to create (my purpose).
Have I met my objective? Yes. First, I am coming into an understanding that can be phrased as an inner-standing (desires emerging from my subconscious) in which I can distinguish between my ego and my true Self. What does this mean?
Rules are guidelines. My approach to the meditation system had been one as if I were trying to avoid the guilt that comes with sin, as in a Christian church. You break a rule; you have sinned; you repent. This meant that I always felt guilty of something all of the time. This caused me great pain and suffering.
I have been meditating on being Ausar -- at one with all. I have been seeing myself as energy on a subatomic level at one with all energy on a subatomic level. For example, food. The electrons, protons, and neutrons in food can be influenced by my thoughts so I look at my food and I think about those subatomic particles. I ask them to cooperate with my body to transform into the highest quality of nutrition for my body. I ask the subatomic particles in my body to cooperate and receive the food in my body as the highest level of nutrition. I cooperate by enjoying the food, chewing it well and paying attention as I chew so that I am honoring our commitment to cooperate. In this way, I, my body, and the food are one.
From a Western point of view, this is stupid. That point of view excludes the consciousness of the subatomic particles, which are alive.
Scientists did an experiment with electrons. They placed two holes in a wall and shot electrons through them. Then, they covered one of the holes and shot the electrons at the wall as if both holes were still open. The electrons aimed at the hole which had been covered stopped and went into the hole that was uncovered. In other words, the electrons made a decision.
For more information on this and experiments that you can read about yourself, you can watch the DVD What the Bleep Do We Know
Also, check out the experiments with water crystals by Masaru Emoto
Now, this inner-standing has taken me deeper into alignment with Amen, the Subjective Realm where everything is formless; where all possibilities and potentials exist. This means that all I have to do is follow the 11 laws of Maat as given by Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book Maat: the 11 Laws of God
So far, the end result of living from this point of view is that people have been telling me that I have been smiling more. Hey, I can handle that!
Well, that's all for now. Until next time,
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