As I awaken to my power to influence change through love (giving without expectation of return), I find that when I consciously project love energy, I receive it back in almost overwhelming proportions. I've been experimenting with my family members. During my meditation, I envision my family members and send them energy. The energy is given freely without their knowledge or expectations of results.
Since I've been doing this, I find that I have to give hugs and touch their cheeks or backs more. I say, "I love you," a lot more. I'm more filled with compassion and understanding. I'm much less offended by their actions, especially knowing that sending them love instead of anger can help bring out truth and, therefore, resolution. I'm much more quick to apologize for my own offending acts.
I have no idea what the recipients of this "new" me think. I'm known as having a very quick temper and saying things that cut like a jagged blade. They seem, however, to be receptive.
The strange part about all of this is that if I don't project this love energy, all of my bad habits come back into the foreground. Being connected to this energy feels like being a conduit. If I don't allow the current to flow through me, then I'm useless, but when it does flow through me, I'm fulfilled.
What does this have to do with my meditation objective? Once again, here it is: I want to experience my purpose in God's Divine plan based upon truthful premises, determined by relationships of how my functions (thoughts, feelings, and actions) fit the form I'm trying to create (my purpose).
When I used the word, "conduit," I was trying to convey more than just being a means for love energy to travel through. The energy is filled with so much more than love. It's filled with the power to bring about the equilibrium I seek.
Because all of this is so new, I still forget to fit my functions to the form I'm trying to manifest. Fortunately, because the love energy feels so good, I want to continue to project it through my meditation. I just want to keep wanting to do this.
Here is the Law of Heru, personalized from the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
Heru: I have the power, but not the right to ignore God's Law. I choose to follow the Law of God with the love and joy that grows from understanding so that the wisdom and power of God's spirit will flow through my being.
How do I break the Law of Heru?
Throughout my day, I forget to choose to follow the Law of God.
Well, that's it for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
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