Ra, the life force energy, is necessary to vitalize the images of Het-Heru. These images program our spirit. They either progress spiritual development or decay it. I want always to consciously choose images that progress my spiritual development.
For me, one of the results or benefits of projecting love energy has been experiencing a great deal of vitality -- a higher intensity of my life force energy.
What does this have to do with my meditation objective? Once again, here it is: I want to experience my purpose in God's Divine plan based upon truthful premises, determined by relationships of how my functions (thoughts, feelings, and actions) fit the form I'm trying to create (my purpose).
Holding in my mind an image of the form that I'm trying to create will make it easier to create that form. Vitalizing the image with the Ra, life force energy, will help creating the form even easier.
Here is the Law of Het-Heru, personalized from the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
Het-Heru: It is not what I imagine. It is who is imagining. Am I a human or a Divine Being?
How do I break the Law of Het-Heru?
Sometimes, it is difficult for me to see the form I am trying to create, my purpose.
Well, that's it for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
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