Friday, December 10, 2010

Tree of Life Meditation System -- Day 6 -- HeruKhuti

Hetep Everyone,

Letting go is an act of joy, not merely a leap of faith. This speaks to the Dogon saying that you can find the universe in a seed. If you seek out joy in the situations you are faced with, no matter what they are, giving up worrying and feeding your emotions, then you find a universe that you haven't seen before.

For me, taking something on faith meant I had nothing to do with what happened, leaving me to imagine the worst possible scenarios, but last night I had a profound experience that was a wonderful wake-up call.

I was with my sister. She needed to take her daughter some food at work. We were about to go and get the food when my sister's two-year-old grandson announced that he needed to go to the bathroom. My sister asked me to take him while she left us to go and get the food. I was annoyed at being left behind. It was getting late and I was tired.

In my mind, I started going through the formula I posted on yesterday's blog entry:

* Detach from what I think is reality.
* Accept what's happening.
* Immerse myself in my situation.
* Seek out images of joy for going with the flow.
* Look for opportunities of transformation. Every situation is an opportunity for creation. Be what you are -- Divine.

After going to the bathroom, I decided to take my nephew for a walk. As I started to look for images of joy (trees, crispness of the night, the moon), I began to become conscious of my nephew's hand in mine. I started to listen to what he was saying, not as babble, but as the communications of a two-year-old telling me what he saw. He begin to direct the path of our walk so I let him.

We came upon a tee that I really liked. I pointed it out to him. He saw the acorns on the ground first. They were huge even though the oak tree was very young. He was determined to hold as many acorns in his little hands as he possibly could. By the time we stuffed his little coat pocket with acorns, my sister had returned.

Becoming conscious of the absolute privilege and pleasure of being in my nephew's company was not the only profound thing that happened. As my energy grew from the pleasure I was experiencing, I began to understand that I was in a situation where creation could take place. I asked myself what I could create in that situation. Suddenly possibilities were endless. Recognizing that I was in a situation of endless possibilities gave me pure joy, which I was able to share with my nephew while he shared his world with me.

How does this tie into my meditation cycle objective? Here is the objective: I want to experience my purpose in God's Divine plan for me based upon truthful premises determined by relationships of how my functions (thoughts, feelings, and actions) fit the form I'm trying to create (my purpose).

I keep imagining that this objective speaks to really grandiose manifestations, but what I am experiencing is excitement for being consciously aware of my thoughts, feelings, and actions and the opportunities for creating new possibilities from old perspectives.

Here is the Law of HeruKhuti, personalized from the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book Maat: the 11 Laws of God.

HeruKhuti: I know that God neither punishes, nor protects, nor rewards. I have the comfort of controlling these for myself.

How do I break the Law of HeruKhuti?

I have not cultivated the comfort that I can experience from controlling what happens to me.

Well, that's all for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,


  1. 5-7-11: I haven't done the daily TOLM, but started the lunar cycle which is presently Herukhuti. Will do yoga & get the Pine incense going tonight & meditate after work. Sometimes life presents obstacles & delays our progress, but the rewards & feelings are fantastic moving forward. Hetep

  2. Be Divine, that's right! Imagine if everyone at least tried to?
