Here, is my meditation objective for this meditation cycle: I want to see my transformation into a Divine Being as I learn to pause and consciously observe my decision processes before I act.
What does this mean? One of the things that I learned in the last meditation cycle was how very important it is for me to work on my transformation as a Divine Being. By this I mean that I already am a Divine Being; however, that part of me is still submerged by my ego (Auset). I must transform my ego so that it becomes receptive to my divinity, allowing it (Ausar) to resurrect itself. That is what this entire journey is about for me, living as Ausar. From my understanding, pausing (Men Ab -- Heru) and observing with the eye of Tehuti is the key to living as Ausar 24 hours a day.
I want to become conscious of the repetition of the processes I use to make decisions. I have been looking for a way to transform without feeling that I am forced to do so. One of the affirmations in Ra Un Nefer Amen's Tree of Life Meditation System
Here is how I came to this idea: DNA contains a replicating function. In an earlier post, I compared this replication to our thought processes -- how we repeat the same thoughts over and over again while replaying the accompanying images. I was really good at using this replication to produce actions that led to consequences that I really did not want. I realized that if I paused the thought, I could pause the replication and intensification of the emotions. As a result, I'm much better at transforming my emotions.
I'm still growing into the application of this understanding, however, which is the reason for this cycle's objective of pausing and observing. During the time I am able to pause, it is my intention to apply a formula that has come to me: From form to formlessness = transformation/reformation. In observing the formlessness of form, I wish to perceive better images, thoughts, and affirmations, which should stimulate better transformations (realities), leading to my Divinity.
Not pausing means that I automatically repeat similar thoughts, feelings and actions -- the same reality that I already know; thus, no transformation.
Here is the Law of Amen, personalized form the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
Amen: I am made in the likeness of a peace that nothing can disturb. I reclaim my peace that I may attain to the reason I have come into existence -- the enjoyment of life.
How do I break the Law of Amen by not pausing and observing?
I deny the formlessness of Amen and thus the potential to create what is yet to be born.
That is all for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
Hotep sister