Hetep Everyone,
It has happened again. This meditation cycle has revealed so much to me so quickly that I have been unable to decipher it in terms that I can share. I'm beginning to wonder if I can maintain this blog. I may have to reduce the number of entries that I can make. I will have to get back with you on that. I did want to write something to let you know that I am still here and still grateful to you for visiting my blog. When I am able to make more entries I will do so.
Until next time, I wish you great fortune and
Know Thyself - Lessons I'm Learning and Lessons I've Learned
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Tree of Life Meditation System -- Day 11 -- Geb
Hetep Everyone,
Once again, here is my meditation objective for this meditation cycle: I want to see my transformation into a Divine Being as I learn to pause and consciously observe my decision processes before I act.
In his book Tree of Life Meditation System
pages 205-206, Ra Un Nefer Amen explains about the Life-Force.
will give me a great boost toward success.
Here is the Law of Geb, personalized form the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
Geb: I know that from heaven I came and to heaven I will return. I seek not enduring works on earth.
How do I break the Law of Geb by not pausing and observing?
I have been unsuccessful in consistently using skilled breathing, diet, exercise, and following the natural cycles to develop and maintain my life force.
That is all for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
Once again, here is my meditation objective for this meditation cycle: I want to see my transformation into a Divine Being as I learn to pause and consciously observe my decision processes before I act.
In his book Tree of Life Meditation System
"The integrity of the Life-force, the animal spirit, is chiefly governed by the breath, which is its chief nutriment, and by the law of cycles."This is the territory of Geb. As you can see, skilled breathing and living according to the cycles of nature nourish the life force energy. I have been trying, with very small success, to apply these techniques to my life. This may be one of the chief reasons why the transformation I seek seems to be so elusive; however, I am quite hopeful that my practice of the techniques found in the Metu Neter vol. 4
Here is the Law of Geb, personalized form the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
Geb: I know that from heaven I came and to heaven I will return. I seek not enduring works on earth.
How do I break the Law of Geb by not pausing and observing?
I have been unsuccessful in consistently using skilled breathing, diet, exercise, and following the natural cycles to develop and maintain my life force.
That is all for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
Friday, January 14, 2011
Tree of Life Meditation System -- Day 10 -- Auset
Hetep Everyone,
Once again, here is my meditation objective for this meditation cycle: I want to see my transformation into a Divine Being as I learn to pause and consciously observe my decision processes before I act.
Sometimes, I find myself slipping back into old habits. I don't meditate when I would like to or I don't eat the way I would like to. I just act as if I know nothing about spirituality. I get caught up in my lower nature of fears, anxieties, other people's dramas, etc. I have discovered that when I get this lost, I can find my way back by breathing. If I can reestablish my desired breathing patterns, then everything else eventually falls back into place.
Well, I have been practicing something similar with thinking. Thinking, as you may already know, can lead to ego. This may be why: thinking is filled with judging, assessing, and evaluating. These activities seem to be the basis of the unchecked ideas and images that flood our minds when we think. This type of thinking is egoic because we are always comparing our thoughts, feelings, and actions to those of others and we do this with situations as well. So, I'm trying to pause my thoughts in the following manner: to stop thinking, I must stop judging, assessing, and evaluating. I've had a lot of success in catching myself being caught up in my own ego. Ego, you may recall, is the territory of Auset.
Here is the Law of Auset, personalized form the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
Auset: I am prepared to sacrifice everything in order to become God's vessel on earth. In return, I will receive everything.
How do I break the Law of Auset by not pausing and observing?
I still operate from my ego, my lower nature.
That is all for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
Once again, here is my meditation objective for this meditation cycle: I want to see my transformation into a Divine Being as I learn to pause and consciously observe my decision processes before I act.
Sometimes, I find myself slipping back into old habits. I don't meditate when I would like to or I don't eat the way I would like to. I just act as if I know nothing about spirituality. I get caught up in my lower nature of fears, anxieties, other people's dramas, etc. I have discovered that when I get this lost, I can find my way back by breathing. If I can reestablish my desired breathing patterns, then everything else eventually falls back into place.
Well, I have been practicing something similar with thinking. Thinking, as you may already know, can lead to ego. This may be why: thinking is filled with judging, assessing, and evaluating. These activities seem to be the basis of the unchecked ideas and images that flood our minds when we think. This type of thinking is egoic because we are always comparing our thoughts, feelings, and actions to those of others and we do this with situations as well. So, I'm trying to pause my thoughts in the following manner: to stop thinking, I must stop judging, assessing, and evaluating. I've had a lot of success in catching myself being caught up in my own ego. Ego, you may recall, is the territory of Auset.
Here is the Law of Auset, personalized form the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
Auset: I am prepared to sacrifice everything in order to become God's vessel on earth. In return, I will receive everything.
How do I break the Law of Auset by not pausing and observing?
I still operate from my ego, my lower nature.
That is all for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
Tree of Life Meditation System -- Day 9 -- Sebek
Hetep Everyone,
Once again, here is my meditation objective for this meditation cycle: I want to see my transformation into a Divine Being as I learn to pause and consciously observe my decision processes before I act.
When I first began participating in the Tree of Life Meditation System consistently, I held strong beliefs about what I could not do. One such belief was that I could not believe in spiritual power. I've spent a great deal of time analyzing and trying to correct this belief. Now, I know that spiritual power is about love, especially, sharing it without judgment. Accessing spiritual power brings about perfect alignment through the energies of Ausar. Of course, there are qualifications that have to be met before I can access the power, like living all of the 11 laws of Maat simultaneously, meaning I have to actually know what those laws are and be in the practice of trying to use them.
Well, my understanding is growing and so is my ability to practice all of the laws (I'm very much an infant at this); however, still, many of my beliefs are based upon judgments that I make about myself, other people, and situations. This makes it very difficult to observe my thoughts, feelings, and actions without judgment, but I am enjoying the process. Sticking to this course is teaching me to let go.
Judgment makes things seem more real, but I'm growing into the belief that nothing is real until I give it meaning. This is what makes everything formless, unconditional (Amen). It is so easy to forget this, but that is the point of pausing, to give myself time to stop and process the concept of formlessness and then choose. Always, I want my choices to be based upon transforming so that the Divine Being with in me resurrects.
Here is the Law of Sebek, personalized form the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
Sebek: It is not what I think nor what I affirm. It is who is thinking and affirming. Am I a human or a Divine Being?
How do I break the Law of Sebek by not pausing and observing?
I forget that I control the meaning I give to life and that I can change life by changing its meaning. I choose.
That is all for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
Once again, here is my meditation objective for this meditation cycle: I want to see my transformation into a Divine Being as I learn to pause and consciously observe my decision processes before I act.
When I first began participating in the Tree of Life Meditation System consistently, I held strong beliefs about what I could not do. One such belief was that I could not believe in spiritual power. I've spent a great deal of time analyzing and trying to correct this belief. Now, I know that spiritual power is about love, especially, sharing it without judgment. Accessing spiritual power brings about perfect alignment through the energies of Ausar. Of course, there are qualifications that have to be met before I can access the power, like living all of the 11 laws of Maat simultaneously, meaning I have to actually know what those laws are and be in the practice of trying to use them.
Well, my understanding is growing and so is my ability to practice all of the laws (I'm very much an infant at this); however, still, many of my beliefs are based upon judgments that I make about myself, other people, and situations. This makes it very difficult to observe my thoughts, feelings, and actions without judgment, but I am enjoying the process. Sticking to this course is teaching me to let go.
Judgment makes things seem more real, but I'm growing into the belief that nothing is real until I give it meaning. This is what makes everything formless, unconditional (Amen). It is so easy to forget this, but that is the point of pausing, to give myself time to stop and process the concept of formlessness and then choose. Always, I want my choices to be based upon transforming so that the Divine Being with in me resurrects.
Here is the Law of Sebek, personalized form the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
Sebek: It is not what I think nor what I affirm. It is who is thinking and affirming. Am I a human or a Divine Being?
How do I break the Law of Sebek by not pausing and observing?
I forget that I control the meaning I give to life and that I can change life by changing its meaning. I choose.
That is all for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Tree of Life Meditation System -- Day 8 -- Het-Heru
Hetep Everyone,
Once again, here is my meditation objective for this meditation cycle: I want to see my transformation into a Divine Being as I learn to pause and consciously observe my decision processes before I act.
If the world were perfect, what would it look like? For me, everyone would live according to the 11 laws of Maat or some version of it -- not just pay lip service. We would be taught these laws in the womb and have perfect examples of living the laws all around us. Beyond this, however, I don't have a clue. What would I do in such an environment? What would you do if you had nothing to worry about and your work and family were fulfilling and balanced?
Trying to answer those questions is a whole lot better than worrying, but somehow, it seems too big for me now. Why don't I just start small? What if I could get what I wanted, in perfect balance? This is a new concept for me because I've spent most of my life running away from what I've wanted. However, all of my preparation since this past year has gone into answering this question through personal experience. Look out world.
Here is the Law of Het-Heru, personalized form the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
Het-Heru: It is not what I imagine. It is who is imagining it. Am I a human or a Divine Being?
How do I break the Law of Het-Heru by not pausing and observing?
I can't imagine what is on the other side of the equation. How do I truly want to live? I don't fully realize that I can have what I want right now.
That is all for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
Once again, here is my meditation objective for this meditation cycle: I want to see my transformation into a Divine Being as I learn to pause and consciously observe my decision processes before I act.
If the world were perfect, what would it look like? For me, everyone would live according to the 11 laws of Maat or some version of it -- not just pay lip service. We would be taught these laws in the womb and have perfect examples of living the laws all around us. Beyond this, however, I don't have a clue. What would I do in such an environment? What would you do if you had nothing to worry about and your work and family were fulfilling and balanced?
Trying to answer those questions is a whole lot better than worrying, but somehow, it seems too big for me now. Why don't I just start small? What if I could get what I wanted, in perfect balance? This is a new concept for me because I've spent most of my life running away from what I've wanted. However, all of my preparation since this past year has gone into answering this question through personal experience. Look out world.
Here is the Law of Het-Heru, personalized form the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
Het-Heru: It is not what I imagine. It is who is imagining it. Am I a human or a Divine Being?
How do I break the Law of Het-Heru by not pausing and observing?
I can't imagine what is on the other side of the equation. How do I truly want to live? I don't fully realize that I can have what I want right now.
That is all for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
Tree of Life Meditation System -- Day 7 -- Heru
Hetep Everyone,
Once again, here is my meditation objective for this meditation cycle: I want to see my transformation into a Divine Being as I learn to pause and consciously observe my decision processes before I act.
I thought that giving myself permission to observe my choices, exercising my freedom to choose, would yield the benefits of making better choices, but the opposite has occurred. My choices are lousy, but something keeps telling me to hang in there -- to keep observing objectively. I don't like the choices that I'm making. These choices are familiar to me. I would always make these choices and then beat myself up as punishment. I have a feeling that it's important for me to know that I don't have to punish myself and that this process is not about getting away with something wrong either. I have to get it into my head that I am free to choose.
I've been looking at the Metu Neter vol. 4
. It looks like this past year has been preparing me for my work with vol. 4. However, the work requires great commitment, but again, it's all voluntary. I choose how committed I want to be. What I did find in vol. 4 was an answer to a question that I had been posing over and over again without receiving a satisfactory answer.
Here's the question: What do I get for all of this work? Where's this taking me? According to vol. 4, I will receive divine counsel from the Neteru, miracles, and perfect harmony, but the most interesting part to me was the fact that, like the Tree of Life Meditation System, the work is to be repeated. The benefits and growth that I have received since working the meditation system consistently have been immeasurable in terms of spiritual development and psychological healing; however, vol. 4 offers a lot more direction and focus to assist with a paradigm shift toward living the laws instead of merely using them as academic exercises.
One of the best results from this past year's work, which emerged subtly, has been my being able to see the brighter side of things. By that I mean, I feel much more positive. I'm much more aware of when I'm participating in a negative conversation. I find myself stopping or attempting to transform negative conversations. I just don't want to be around them. I used to be the first to start them by complaining about things. Now, I find that I am consciously trying to stop complaining. It's a whole new way of life for me.
Here is the Law of Heru, personalized form the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
Heru: I have the power but not the right to ignore God's law. I choose to follow the law of God with the love and joy that grows from understanding so that the wisdom and power of God's spirit will flow through my being.
How do I break the Law of Heru by not pausing and observing?
I do not fully understand what is involved in having the freedom to make my choices. I am still compelled to choose based upon my lower nature.
That is all for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
Once again, here is my meditation objective for this meditation cycle: I want to see my transformation into a Divine Being as I learn to pause and consciously observe my decision processes before I act.
I thought that giving myself permission to observe my choices, exercising my freedom to choose, would yield the benefits of making better choices, but the opposite has occurred. My choices are lousy, but something keeps telling me to hang in there -- to keep observing objectively. I don't like the choices that I'm making. These choices are familiar to me. I would always make these choices and then beat myself up as punishment. I have a feeling that it's important for me to know that I don't have to punish myself and that this process is not about getting away with something wrong either. I have to get it into my head that I am free to choose.
I've been looking at the Metu Neter vol. 4
Here's the question: What do I get for all of this work? Where's this taking me? According to vol. 4, I will receive divine counsel from the Neteru, miracles, and perfect harmony, but the most interesting part to me was the fact that, like the Tree of Life Meditation System, the work is to be repeated. The benefits and growth that I have received since working the meditation system consistently have been immeasurable in terms of spiritual development and psychological healing; however, vol. 4 offers a lot more direction and focus to assist with a paradigm shift toward living the laws instead of merely using them as academic exercises.
One of the best results from this past year's work, which emerged subtly, has been my being able to see the brighter side of things. By that I mean, I feel much more positive. I'm much more aware of when I'm participating in a negative conversation. I find myself stopping or attempting to transform negative conversations. I just don't want to be around them. I used to be the first to start them by complaining about things. Now, I find that I am consciously trying to stop complaining. It's a whole new way of life for me.
Here is the Law of Heru, personalized form the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
Heru: I have the power but not the right to ignore God's law. I choose to follow the law of God with the love and joy that grows from understanding so that the wisdom and power of God's spirit will flow through my being.
How do I break the Law of Heru by not pausing and observing?
I do not fully understand what is involved in having the freedom to make my choices. I am still compelled to choose based upon my lower nature.
That is all for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
Monday, January 10, 2011
Tree of Life Meditation System -- Day 6 -- HeruKhuti
Hetep Everyone,
Once again, here, is my meditation objective for this meditation cycle: I want to see my transformation into a Divine Being as I learn to pause and consciously observe my decision processes before I act.
HeruKhuti deals with Divine Justice. This means that this energy deals with punishment, rewards, and protection. While I've been observing myself without judgment, I've noticed how easy it has been to forget about HeruKhuti, because I specifically wanted to stop worrying about fear and guilt, giving myself permission to screw up. This method has revealed to me what I tend to gravitate toward and which laws I break most easily. Knowing my weaknesses has shown me where and upon what I need to focus my efforts.
Here is the Law of HeruKhuti, personalized form the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
HeruKhuti: I know that God neither punishes nor protects nor rewards. I have the comfort of controlling these for myself.
How do I break the Law of HeruKhuti by not pausing and observing?
I allow myself to remain blind to the spiritual work that I need to do. This gives me the illusion that I am not responsible for knowing what needs to be done.
That is all for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
Once again, here, is my meditation objective for this meditation cycle: I want to see my transformation into a Divine Being as I learn to pause and consciously observe my decision processes before I act.
HeruKhuti deals with Divine Justice. This means that this energy deals with punishment, rewards, and protection. While I've been observing myself without judgment, I've noticed how easy it has been to forget about HeruKhuti, because I specifically wanted to stop worrying about fear and guilt, giving myself permission to screw up. This method has revealed to me what I tend to gravitate toward and which laws I break most easily. Knowing my weaknesses has shown me where and upon what I need to focus my efforts.
Here is the Law of HeruKhuti, personalized form the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
HeruKhuti: I know that God neither punishes nor protects nor rewards. I have the comfort of controlling these for myself.
How do I break the Law of HeruKhuti by not pausing and observing?
I allow myself to remain blind to the spiritual work that I need to do. This gives me the illusion that I am not responsible for knowing what needs to be done.
That is all for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Tree of Life Meditation System -- Day 5 -- Maat
Hetep Everyone,
Once again, here, is my meditation objective for this meditation cycle: I want to see my transformation into a Divine Being as I learn to pause and consciously observe my decision processes before I act.
Many of my posts contain writings about my desire to transform into a Divine Being. Of course, what I mean by that is that I want to resurrect the dormant Ausar energies that are all ready inside of me. The question in the back of my mind has always been what will this new perception I seek look like?
I've been using as my model the perception of reality that already exists; however, I know that the perception I want is one that I cannot see, the one that is more wonderful than I can imagine in my current limited state of existence. My meditation has brought me a way to access a new vision. Something really obvious.
I have memorized the 11 Laws of Maat and can recite them. Also, I have memorized an affirmation to accompany the laws. The problem is that I don't speak the language of the laws. Each law represents a field of energy and descriptive aspects that can be applied to personalities and situations. Some of these traits or shaping factors can be found in the Metu Neter
vol. 1, pages 266-299 and 371-378.
If I add these aspects to my repertoire for the laws, then I should have enough verbiage to begin to speak the language of the laws and form coinciding images. The point of this is to use the energies of Sebek (language) and Het-Heru (images) to help reprogram my perception.
This may sound extreme, but continuing to reinforce the images and thoughts that have proved so limiting to me seems to me to be extreme. It's worth a shot.
Here is the Law of Maat, personalized form the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
Maat: God needs me in order to come into the world. Fulfilling God's need is the highest act of love and only through my love for God can I fulfill my love for others. I become the love of God in the world for the protection of the world.
How do I break the Law of Maat by not pausing and observing?
I reinforce the same language and images that I am familiar with, perpetuating the same reality. This limits how I observe my thoughts, feelings and actions and it limits the new reality I can create.
That is all for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
Once again, here, is my meditation objective for this meditation cycle: I want to see my transformation into a Divine Being as I learn to pause and consciously observe my decision processes before I act.
Many of my posts contain writings about my desire to transform into a Divine Being. Of course, what I mean by that is that I want to resurrect the dormant Ausar energies that are all ready inside of me. The question in the back of my mind has always been what will this new perception I seek look like?
I've been using as my model the perception of reality that already exists; however, I know that the perception I want is one that I cannot see, the one that is more wonderful than I can imagine in my current limited state of existence. My meditation has brought me a way to access a new vision. Something really obvious.
I have memorized the 11 Laws of Maat and can recite them. Also, I have memorized an affirmation to accompany the laws. The problem is that I don't speak the language of the laws. Each law represents a field of energy and descriptive aspects that can be applied to personalities and situations. Some of these traits or shaping factors can be found in the Metu Neter
If I add these aspects to my repertoire for the laws, then I should have enough verbiage to begin to speak the language of the laws and form coinciding images. The point of this is to use the energies of Sebek (language) and Het-Heru (images) to help reprogram my perception.
This may sound extreme, but continuing to reinforce the images and thoughts that have proved so limiting to me seems to me to be extreme. It's worth a shot.
Here is the Law of Maat, personalized form the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
Maat: God needs me in order to come into the world. Fulfilling God's need is the highest act of love and only through my love for God can I fulfill my love for others. I become the love of God in the world for the protection of the world.
How do I break the Law of Maat by not pausing and observing?
I reinforce the same language and images that I am familiar with, perpetuating the same reality. This limits how I observe my thoughts, feelings and actions and it limits the new reality I can create.
That is all for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Tree of Life Meditation System -- Day 4 -- Seker
Hetep Everyone,
Once again, here, is my meditation objective for this meditation cycle: I want to see my transformation into a Divine Being as I learn to pause and consciously observe my decision processes before I act.
Most of my decisions are based upon the forms that my ego, limited by what my five senses can perceive, determines to be possible. Seker energy is based upon the infinite perceptions of what Tehuti determines is possible. This means that my egoic thoughts are the very small tip of a very large iceberg, and I'm being very generous. Most of what I need to make effective decisions is hidden from me, especially since I'm not very skilled at interpreting oracle readings.
Here is the Law of Seker, personalized form the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
Seker: When the emotions of Man manifest in response to the word of God they have the power to influence the course of any and all events in the world.
How do I break the Law of Seker by not pausing and observing?
I make judgments about my ability to achieve based upon my identification with form.
That is all for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
Once again, here, is my meditation objective for this meditation cycle: I want to see my transformation into a Divine Being as I learn to pause and consciously observe my decision processes before I act.
Most of my decisions are based upon the forms that my ego, limited by what my five senses can perceive, determines to be possible. Seker energy is based upon the infinite perceptions of what Tehuti determines is possible. This means that my egoic thoughts are the very small tip of a very large iceberg, and I'm being very generous. Most of what I need to make effective decisions is hidden from me, especially since I'm not very skilled at interpreting oracle readings.
Here is the Law of Seker, personalized form the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
Seker: When the emotions of Man manifest in response to the word of God they have the power to influence the course of any and all events in the world.
How do I break the Law of Seker by not pausing and observing?
I make judgments about my ability to achieve based upon my identification with form.
That is all for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
Tree of Life Meditation System -- Day 3 -- Tehuti
Hetep Everyone,
Once again, here, is my meditation objective for this meditation cycle: I want to see my transformation into a Divine Being as I learn to pause and consciously observe my decision processes before I act.
I've spoken about the importance of pausing and observing my actions without judgment. Now, I want to speak about conscious observation. Not long ago, I started recognizing that I could focus my attention on my pineal gland as I concentrated on what I was doing. This is a weird feeling. It's like watching myself doing things. Recently, I noticed that I could do this with experiencing my feelings and thoughts. Now, that's really weird, watching myself think and feel.
Most times, I forget to do this, but the benefits of learning to watch myself are that I concentrate better, but, more importantly, I feel closer to my Amen and Ausar energies. This benefits me by helping me to remember that everything, including my physical being, is, in essence, formless and therefore subject to change. In other words, I should not take everything so seriously. I should enjoy the process. Joy will help me to sustain and enhance my Ra force, giving me the energy to resurrect my Ausar energy, which aligns my life in perfect balance. In other words, learning to observe my thoughts, feelings and actions is essential to bringing my life into perfect balance.
Here is a quote from Eckhart Tolle's book, A New Earth
that I find helps to explain to me a lot of the obstacles I have in remembering to observe myself, especially without judgment.
Having access to this quote helps me to do a better job of catching myself being asleep, so to speak, in my life. I can remind myself to return to consciously observing myself without judgment. This, by the way, as I understand it, is a Tehuti function.
Here is the Law of Tehuti, personalized form the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
Tehuti: When all of my thoughts, feelings, and actions reflect the word of God, then the power of God's spirit and a peace that nothing can challenge will flow through my being.
How do I break the Law of Tehuti by not pausing and observing?
I have not effectively programmed into my spirit a need and desire to observe my own life without judgment.
That is all for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
Once again, here, is my meditation objective for this meditation cycle: I want to see my transformation into a Divine Being as I learn to pause and consciously observe my decision processes before I act.
I've spoken about the importance of pausing and observing my actions without judgment. Now, I want to speak about conscious observation. Not long ago, I started recognizing that I could focus my attention on my pineal gland as I concentrated on what I was doing. This is a weird feeling. It's like watching myself doing things. Recently, I noticed that I could do this with experiencing my feelings and thoughts. Now, that's really weird, watching myself think and feel.
Most times, I forget to do this, but the benefits of learning to watch myself are that I concentrate better, but, more importantly, I feel closer to my Amen and Ausar energies. This benefits me by helping me to remember that everything, including my physical being, is, in essence, formless and therefore subject to change. In other words, I should not take everything so seriously. I should enjoy the process. Joy will help me to sustain and enhance my Ra force, giving me the energy to resurrect my Ausar energy, which aligns my life in perfect balance. In other words, learning to observe my thoughts, feelings and actions is essential to bringing my life into perfect balance.
Here is a quote from Eckhart Tolle's book, A New Earth
"When every thought absorbs your attention completely, when you are so identified with the voice in your head and the emotions that accompany it that you lose yourself in every thought and every emotion, then you are totally identified with form and therefore in the grip of ego."
Having access to this quote helps me to do a better job of catching myself being asleep, so to speak, in my life. I can remind myself to return to consciously observing myself without judgment. This, by the way, as I understand it, is a Tehuti function.
Here is the Law of Tehuti, personalized form the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
Tehuti: When all of my thoughts, feelings, and actions reflect the word of God, then the power of God's spirit and a peace that nothing can challenge will flow through my being.
How do I break the Law of Tehuti by not pausing and observing?
I have not effectively programmed into my spirit a need and desire to observe my own life without judgment.
That is all for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Tree of Life Meditation System -- Day 2 -- Ausar
Hetep Everyone,
Here, is my meditation objective for this meditation cycle: I want to see my transformation into a Divine Being as I learn to pause and consciously observe my decision processes before I act.
In order to choose transformation over what I already know, it makes sense to me that I must have better images, thoughts, and affirmations to transform into. Where do these better concepts come from? Ausar, the energy of which can only come from the pauses and nonjudgmental observations. I, the ego (Auset), do not have to force this knowledge. It will rise up out of me. This is the resurrection of Ausar.
However, pausing and observing without judgment will take lots and lots of practice, because I have to keep choosing to do it. The image that came to me was that of the movie Malcolm X
, when (if I remember the scene correctly) Elijah Muhammad explains to Malcolm that people will choose to drink dirty water if they don't know that there is a better choice. Well, you know how there is that saying that when you know better, you do better? In order to embrace that statement, I have to define "know" according to the Metu Neter
-- knowledge comes from experience, not information.
For me, in terms of choosing transformation as opposed to habitually choosing that which is familiar to me, the most important part is the nonjudgmental observation. Over and over again, I have to observe my choices. This is what I have to get good at so that eventually, like a baby newly walking, who, from experience, learns that walking is better than crawling, I will choose from knowledge, transformation and evolution.
Here is the Law of Ausar, personalized form the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
Ausar: My nature is an unconquerable peace; therefore, nothing and no one in the world can be against me. All experiences come to me to promote my reclamation of peace so that I may acquire wisdom and power.
How do I break the Law of Ausar by not pausing and observing?
I do not embrace my connection to the unknown and unfamiliar, thus, I limit my transformation -- my evolution.
That is all for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
Here, is my meditation objective for this meditation cycle: I want to see my transformation into a Divine Being as I learn to pause and consciously observe my decision processes before I act.
In order to choose transformation over what I already know, it makes sense to me that I must have better images, thoughts, and affirmations to transform into. Where do these better concepts come from? Ausar, the energy of which can only come from the pauses and nonjudgmental observations. I, the ego (Auset), do not have to force this knowledge. It will rise up out of me. This is the resurrection of Ausar.
However, pausing and observing without judgment will take lots and lots of practice, because I have to keep choosing to do it. The image that came to me was that of the movie Malcolm X
For me, in terms of choosing transformation as opposed to habitually choosing that which is familiar to me, the most important part is the nonjudgmental observation. Over and over again, I have to observe my choices. This is what I have to get good at so that eventually, like a baby newly walking, who, from experience, learns that walking is better than crawling, I will choose from knowledge, transformation and evolution.
Here is the Law of Ausar, personalized form the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
Ausar: My nature is an unconquerable peace; therefore, nothing and no one in the world can be against me. All experiences come to me to promote my reclamation of peace so that I may acquire wisdom and power.
How do I break the Law of Ausar by not pausing and observing?
I do not embrace my connection to the unknown and unfamiliar, thus, I limit my transformation -- my evolution.
That is all for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Tree of Life Meditation System -- Ausar's Cornfield
Hetep Everyone,
I made a video to sort of encapsulate the insights that I had during the previous meditation cycle. It may help to redeem me from not having posted faithfully during that time.
I hope that you can get something out of it.
Wishing you great fortune. Until next time,
I made a video to sort of encapsulate the insights that I had during the previous meditation cycle. It may help to redeem me from not having posted faithfully during that time.
I hope that you can get something out of it.
Wishing you great fortune. Until next time,
Tree of Life Meditation System -- Day 1 -- Amen
Hetep Everyone,
Here, is my meditation objective for this meditation cycle: I want to see my transformation into a Divine Being as I learn to pause and consciously observe my decision processes before I act.
What does this mean? One of the things that I learned in the last meditation cycle was how very important it is for me to work on my transformation as a Divine Being. By this I mean that I already am a Divine Being; however, that part of me is still submerged by my ego (Auset). I must transform my ego so that it becomes receptive to my divinity, allowing it (Ausar) to resurrect itself. That is what this entire journey is about for me, living as Ausar. From my understanding, pausing (Men Ab -- Heru) and observing with the eye of Tehuti is the key to living as Ausar 24 hours a day.
I want to become conscious of the repetition of the processes I use to make decisions. I have been looking for a way to transform without feeling that I am forced to do so. One of the affirmations in Ra Un Nefer Amen's Tree of Life Meditation System
states, "God does not compel me to do what is right..." If there is any force applied at all it is done, not with a whip, but Maat's feather. What if the mere at of observing myself without judgment is a major key to assisting my transformation. I think the theory is worth a meditation cycle, especially since it will help me to stop judging myself.
Here is how I came to this idea: DNA contains a replicating function. In an earlier post, I compared this replication to our thought processes -- how we repeat the same thoughts over and over again while replaying the accompanying images. I was really good at using this replication to produce actions that led to consequences that I really did not want. I realized that if I paused the thought, I could pause the replication and intensification of the emotions. As a result, I'm much better at transforming my emotions.
I'm still growing into the application of this understanding, however, which is the reason for this cycle's objective of pausing and observing. During the time I am able to pause, it is my intention to apply a formula that has come to me: From form to formlessness = transformation/reformation. In observing the formlessness of form, I wish to perceive better images, thoughts, and affirmations, which should stimulate better transformations (realities), leading to my Divinity.
Not pausing means that I automatically repeat similar thoughts, feelings and actions -- the same reality that I already know; thus, no transformation.
Here is the Law of Amen, personalized form the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
Amen: I am made in the likeness of a peace that nothing can disturb. I reclaim my peace that I may attain to the reason I have come into existence -- the enjoyment of life.
How do I break the Law of Amen by not pausing and observing?
I deny the formlessness of Amen and thus the potential to create what is yet to be born.
That is all for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
Here, is my meditation objective for this meditation cycle: I want to see my transformation into a Divine Being as I learn to pause and consciously observe my decision processes before I act.
What does this mean? One of the things that I learned in the last meditation cycle was how very important it is for me to work on my transformation as a Divine Being. By this I mean that I already am a Divine Being; however, that part of me is still submerged by my ego (Auset). I must transform my ego so that it becomes receptive to my divinity, allowing it (Ausar) to resurrect itself. That is what this entire journey is about for me, living as Ausar. From my understanding, pausing (Men Ab -- Heru) and observing with the eye of Tehuti is the key to living as Ausar 24 hours a day.
I want to become conscious of the repetition of the processes I use to make decisions. I have been looking for a way to transform without feeling that I am forced to do so. One of the affirmations in Ra Un Nefer Amen's Tree of Life Meditation System
Here is how I came to this idea: DNA contains a replicating function. In an earlier post, I compared this replication to our thought processes -- how we repeat the same thoughts over and over again while replaying the accompanying images. I was really good at using this replication to produce actions that led to consequences that I really did not want. I realized that if I paused the thought, I could pause the replication and intensification of the emotions. As a result, I'm much better at transforming my emotions.
I'm still growing into the application of this understanding, however, which is the reason for this cycle's objective of pausing and observing. During the time I am able to pause, it is my intention to apply a formula that has come to me: From form to formlessness = transformation/reformation. In observing the formlessness of form, I wish to perceive better images, thoughts, and affirmations, which should stimulate better transformations (realities), leading to my Divinity.
Not pausing means that I automatically repeat similar thoughts, feelings and actions -- the same reality that I already know; thus, no transformation.
Here is the Law of Amen, personalized form the words of Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book, Maat: the 11 Laws of God
Amen: I am made in the likeness of a peace that nothing can disturb. I reclaim my peace that I may attain to the reason I have come into existence -- the enjoyment of life.
How do I break the Law of Amen by not pausing and observing?
I deny the formlessness of Amen and thus the potential to create what is yet to be born.
That is all for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
Monday, January 3, 2011
Tree of Life Meditation System -- Assessment
Hetep Everyone,
Tonight is the night before the new moon. Perhaps the greatest thing that I learned from this past meditation cycle is that I am Ausar. Now, I've read this in the Metu Neter
countless times, but is was just a mental exercise, not and experience.
My experience had always been to understand that someone else or something else controlled the authority over me. Now I know that I am the authority that I have been trying to negotiate with for permission to live my life. This is the understanding into which I am growing.
This budding growth is awesome!
I have not yet decided upon the wording of my new meditation objective, but I know that it is going to have something to do with pausing before I act -- Men Ab meditation.
Well, that's it for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
Tonight is the night before the new moon. Perhaps the greatest thing that I learned from this past meditation cycle is that I am Ausar. Now, I've read this in the Metu Neter
My experience had always been to understand that someone else or something else controlled the authority over me. Now I know that I am the authority that I have been trying to negotiate with for permission to live my life. This is the understanding into which I am growing.
This budding growth is awesome!
I have not yet decided upon the wording of my new meditation objective, but I know that it is going to have something to do with pausing before I act -- Men Ab meditation.
Well, that's it for now. I wish you great fortune. Until next time,
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Tree of Life Meditation System -- Assessment
Hetep Everyone,
One of the most important things that I want to learn before 2012 is how to let go of form (What we generally perceive as solid matter) at a moment's notice. I want to see the formlessness of everything (Amen) and know that I am a part of that formlessness. Why? Being able to transform into all possibilities and potentials is the essence of Divinity. The key seems to be learning to pause to observe the formlessness and then letting go of my attachment to all so that I use my Divine Will to make the choices that create alignment and perfect balance.
Well, that's all for now. Until next time,
One of the most important things that I want to learn before 2012 is how to let go of form (What we generally perceive as solid matter) at a moment's notice. I want to see the formlessness of everything (Amen) and know that I am a part of that formlessness. Why? Being able to transform into all possibilities and potentials is the essence of Divinity. The key seems to be learning to pause to observe the formlessness and then letting go of my attachment to all so that I use my Divine Will to make the choices that create alignment and perfect balance.
Well, that's all for now. Until next time,
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Tree of Life Meditation System -- Assessment
Hetep Everyone,
Where do I begin? Let me restate my meditation cycle objective:
I want to experience my purpose in God's Divine plan based upon truthful premises, determined by relationships of how my functions (thoughts, feelings, and actions) fit the form I'm trying to create (my purpose).
Have I met my objective? Yes. First, I am coming into an understanding that can be phrased as an inner-standing (desires emerging from my subconscious) in which I can distinguish between my ego and my true Self. What does this mean?
Rules are guidelines. My approach to the meditation system had been one as if I were trying to avoid the guilt that comes with sin, as in a Christian church. You break a rule; you have sinned; you repent. This meant that I always felt guilty of something all of the time. This caused me great pain and suffering.
I have been meditating on being Ausar -- at one with all. I have been seeing myself as energy on a subatomic level at one with all energy on a subatomic level. For example, food. The electrons, protons, and neutrons in food can be influenced by my thoughts so I look at my food and I think about those subatomic particles. I ask them to cooperate with my body to transform into the highest quality of nutrition for my body. I ask the subatomic particles in my body to cooperate and receive the food in my body as the highest level of nutrition. I cooperate by enjoying the food, chewing it well and paying attention as I chew so that I am honoring our commitment to cooperate. In this way, I, my body, and the food are one.
From a Western point of view, this is stupid. That point of view excludes the consciousness of the subatomic particles, which are alive.
Scientists did an experiment with electrons. They placed two holes in a wall and shot electrons through them. Then, they covered one of the holes and shot the electrons at the wall as if both holes were still open. The electrons aimed at the hole which had been covered stopped and went into the hole that was uncovered. In other words, the electrons made a decision.
For more information on this and experiments that you can read about yourself, you can watch the DVD What the Bleep Do We Know
. I feel that this is so important -- asking for cooperation on a subatomic level and honoring the process -- that I'm experimenting with this. This is the best way that I have come up with for aligning my thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Also, check out the experiments with water crystals by Masaru Emoto
Now, this inner-standing has taken me deeper into alignment with Amen, the Subjective Realm where everything is formless; where all possibilities and potentials exist. This means that all I have to do is follow the 11 laws of Maat as given by Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book Maat: the 11 Laws of God
, ask for cooperation, and honor the commitment to cooperation.
So far, the end result of living from this point of view is that people have been telling me that I have been smiling more. Hey, I can handle that!
Well, that's all for now. Until next time,
Where do I begin? Let me restate my meditation cycle objective:
I want to experience my purpose in God's Divine plan based upon truthful premises, determined by relationships of how my functions (thoughts, feelings, and actions) fit the form I'm trying to create (my purpose).
Have I met my objective? Yes. First, I am coming into an understanding that can be phrased as an inner-standing (desires emerging from my subconscious) in which I can distinguish between my ego and my true Self. What does this mean?
Rules are guidelines. My approach to the meditation system had been one as if I were trying to avoid the guilt that comes with sin, as in a Christian church. You break a rule; you have sinned; you repent. This meant that I always felt guilty of something all of the time. This caused me great pain and suffering.
I have been meditating on being Ausar -- at one with all. I have been seeing myself as energy on a subatomic level at one with all energy on a subatomic level. For example, food. The electrons, protons, and neutrons in food can be influenced by my thoughts so I look at my food and I think about those subatomic particles. I ask them to cooperate with my body to transform into the highest quality of nutrition for my body. I ask the subatomic particles in my body to cooperate and receive the food in my body as the highest level of nutrition. I cooperate by enjoying the food, chewing it well and paying attention as I chew so that I am honoring our commitment to cooperate. In this way, I, my body, and the food are one.
From a Western point of view, this is stupid. That point of view excludes the consciousness of the subatomic particles, which are alive.
Scientists did an experiment with electrons. They placed two holes in a wall and shot electrons through them. Then, they covered one of the holes and shot the electrons at the wall as if both holes were still open. The electrons aimed at the hole which had been covered stopped and went into the hole that was uncovered. In other words, the electrons made a decision.
For more information on this and experiments that you can read about yourself, you can watch the DVD What the Bleep Do We Know
Also, check out the experiments with water crystals by Masaru Emoto
Now, this inner-standing has taken me deeper into alignment with Amen, the Subjective Realm where everything is formless; where all possibilities and potentials exist. This means that all I have to do is follow the 11 laws of Maat as given by Ra Un Nefer Amen in his book Maat: the 11 Laws of God
So far, the end result of living from this point of view is that people have been telling me that I have been smiling more. Hey, I can handle that!
Well, that's all for now. Until next time,
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